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Making an appointment

If you are a new patient, please see your GP and request a referral to Richard Jamieson.


  • Once we receive and triage the referral, one of our staff will be in contact to book your appointment.

  • Full payment is required on the day of your consultation.

  • A new consultation is $250, with a medicare rebate of $81.30.

  • A subsequent consultation is $110, with a medicare rebate of $40.85. You will not be charged for your first post-operative appointment.

Surgical Fees

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Uninsured Patients

Dr Jamieson does see uninsured patients in his private rooms. If you are uninsured and cannot self-fund your surgery, please ask your GP to refer you to Dr Jamieson's outpatient clinic at the Royal Hobart Hospital.

Pre- and post-operative instructions

Pre-operative care:

  • Depending on the time of your surgery you will be asked to present to admissions between 6:30am and 12pm. This will be confirmed with you the day before surgery.

  • You will need to fast from midnight the night before. For some afternoon operations you will be able to have a light early breakfast before 6am.

  • Please shower and wash the morning of your procedure. Please inform us if you have any cuts, scrapes or broken skin as we may have to reschedule your surgery. Unless advised otherwise please take your regular medications as usual. If you are unsure about this please contact the rooms well in advance.

  • Some blood thinning medications (such as Warfarin, Plavix and aspirin) will need to be stopped prior to surgery. Dr Jamieson will discuss this with you during your pre-operative consultation.

  • Please remove all jewellery, make up, fake tan and nail polish prior to presenting to hospital. You may wear your glasses and dentures.

Pre-operative care:

  • Please see the following link. A copy will be provided to you upon discharge from the hospital.

Surgeon Fees

  • If you have decided to proceed with surgery, the surgical fees will be explained by Dr Jamieson's secretary.

  • Dr Jamieson is a 'known gap' provider which means you will be charged an out-of-pocket fee of $400-500 depending on your health fund and the complexity of the surgery. Some health funds do not partake in the 'known gap' arrangement and hence higher out-of-pocket costs may be incurred.


Surgical Assistant Fees

  • Privately insured patients may receive an out-of-pocket fee from surgical assistants. This will be billed directly.


Anaesthetic Fees

  • Dr Jamieson uses Hobart Anaesthetic Group. Most patients should expect an out-of-pocket fee of $200-400 but we would encourage you to discuss this with your anaesthetist directly.


Other fees may be incurred in excess of the health fund rebate. This include:

  • Hospital fees

  • Radiology fees

  • Pathology fees

  • Pharmacy fees​

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